Fuel prices are rising significantly again. Currently, a litre of diesel or gasoline costs 1.60 euros. According to experts, however, refuelling will become even more expensive.
Refuelling has become significantly more expensive again in Austria—currently, a litre of diesel or gasoline costs around 1.60 euros. By the end of the year, fuel prices could likewise be close to the two-euro mark. Industry representatives expect this to happen.
“If this doesn’t change fundamentally, we have to prepare for further increases,” Salzburg-based energy trader Franz Leikermoser told “orf.at.”
In the last four weeks, fuel prices have risen massively again. He said several factors were responsible for this, such as the withdrawal of production by the “OPEC plus” countries and events in the Ukraine war.
“There is an expectation that there will be no more interest rate hikes. That should boost demand in the United States. China is also now jumping back into full economic gear. And in the Black Sea, events are spilling over in the Ukraine war,” Leikermoser said.
All this is driving up prices. In addition, the CO2 tax and the amendment to the fuel regulation would lead to massive inflation from 2024.
- source: heute.at/picture: pixabay.com
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